Subject: SWRADIO: Shortwave Radio Diagram Author: Mendel Cooper Uploaded By: Thegrendel Date: 1/23/1995 File: SWRADIO3.ZIP (246707 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33221 baud): < 2 minutes Download Count: 2549 Equipment: Printer recommended Needs: An UnZIPing Program, Text Editor, GIF viewer recomm Keywords: Cooper, Electronics, Kit, Ham Radio, Broadcast Keywords: Cooper, Electronics, Kit, Ham Radio, Broadcast Type: Shareware Version: 1/14/95 Build a sensitive shortwave receiver for as little as $5 or less. Complete info, including schematics, parts sources, etc. Also other info of interest to SWL's (shortwave listeners) and a complete bibliography for further reading.Updated reading list and new GIF and EEDRAW files of shortwave converter schematic. Latest update of SWRADIO, with a new text file on adding earphone jack to radio and new GIF illustrations of the converter circuit board and connections inside the radio. NOTE: Previous version(s) of this program omitted a key capacitor in the converter circuit. This has now been corrected. To run, retrieve text files in your editor or word processor. Documentation: READ.ME, README.1ST, README.2ND Downloads for previous versions: 713